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Writer's pictureAbbie Smith

Author Updates!

Hey everyone! I’ve got a lot of fun stuff to pass along, so bear with me!

I recently did a complete redesign of my website, to include my own domain name:! It’s still the same site, but now it is more streamlined and has a clear design! You can also click on the “Newsletter” link to stay up to date with the latest news and events! Be sure to check your spam if you do not receive a welcome email right away. I will only send those out with news and events, so please know I have no intention of spamming you!

I have AUTHOR PAGES! As a long time writer only dreaming of publication, I always wondered what it would be like to officially have pages on Amazon and Goodreads, and let me tell you, it’s so COOL. You can follow me on either platform by clicking the above links.

Of note, I am publishing currently under my pen name: A. Smith. This is because Guns & Smoke is going to be self-published, and I wanted to differentiate my self-published works from anything I may traditionally publish in the future. If the traditional route doesn’t go as planned, then I will revisit this. Until then, feel free to follow me on both platforms!

Guns & Smoke, my co-authored project with Lauren Sevier, is available to add on Goodreads! We are currently deep in the developmental edit stage. Next month, we plan to hold a cover reveal! The book is publishing in July, so be on the lookout for preorder and other fun stuff along the way!

Some other fun Guns & Smoke related stuff:

  1. We are looking for beta readers! If you’re interested, please go to the following link to sign up! Sign ups will close around January 13th: Beta Reader Sign Up

  2. If you have a bookish blog or social media account and you want to take part in our book cover reveal tour, please go here to sign up.

I’ve joined TikTok! Well, I’ve had the account for forever, but I just recently started posting author content there. As with all of my social media accounts, my TikTok handle is @abbiewritesx! Please follow me on that platform as well!

I’m really excited for this year!! Already, 2021 has been much better than 2020. Look for more content here and by signing up for my newsletter! I will continue to post book reviews and other fun writerly content.

To end, what’s a blog post without pictures of my fur babies?

Thanks for reading, Abbie


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